The municipality of Purmerend has asked us to make a wall painting in the beautiful and newly renovated amphitheater in Purmerend. Well, a mural, 2 spit tapering slopes and 4 blocks with 7 long steps. Not a standard assignment but a real challenge.
With the lhbtiq art expression, the municipality wants to draw attention to the importance that everyone in Purmerend can be themselves openly and safely. That you have the freedom to love who you want and that you can be yourself visibly.
The poem for the steps was written by Sebastiaan Stroosnijder' from dichtersgroep Waterland. After a competition, the alderman asked us to incorporate this beautiful poem into the art painting.
The amphitheater in the Leeghwaterpark has a beautiful lhbtiq artwork, it is colourful with connecting shapes and without being too present.
Design: Jan Stel alias Simbl_art Images: Simbl_art Letters: Poem: Sebastiaan Stroosnijder (dichtersgroep Waterland)