IThe transformation of the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal started in 2022. The center is currently being renovated in several places. With a new layout, the municipality of Amsterdam wants to create a pleasant street with more space for cyclists, pedestrians and trams. There will also be a healthy and strong green part. The construction of one-way traffic provides the necessary space and more peace of mind.
The 2 historic 19th century cast iron lanterns of the Royal Palace on Dam Square are protected with 3 wooden panels each until the work is completed. These panels have been released by the municipality to paint graffiti on. An unusual fun project at a unique location in the city center of Amsterdam.
Various artists, including myself, have worked on the panels. @unofficialstasy, @jodocus_doodles, @dcloneworld and @simbl_art
Het Stadscuratorium heeft in haar visie het advies gegeven om in de binnenstad plekken te creëren voor (tijdelijke) street art, als knipoog naar de jaren ‘70 en ‘80 toen Amsterdam een hotspot voor graffiti en street art was. Op 2 grote bouwschuttingen achter de Dam is nu post-graffiti werk te bewonderen van 4 kunstenaars. We spreken de kunstenaar Stasy, die hier het initiatief voor nam. Lees verder ...